UX | UI ——

Protolyst web app

is a knowledge management tool in its early pilot testing stage and looking for design solutions to improve onboarding user experiences on the landing page and the digital workspace to increase user activation, satisfaction and retention.

—— Due to a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), information on this project is limited.


— Project Type

User Experience Design
User Interface Design


UX Researcher
UX Designer
Workshop Facilitator

— Project Date

Dec 2022 - Mar 2023

— Tools Used

Adobe Suite (PS, AI)

Project Summary

Protolyst is a knowledge management tool that helps users collaboratively capture, contextualise and collate snippets of knowledge from across a range of resources to conduct qualitative research.

Currently, it is in an early pilot testing stage and requires a better understanding of its users and their early interactions with the product to investigate the challenges they may face prior to reaching key milestones in the onboarding process.

This project aims to develop a design system using a User-centered design approach, including desk research, expert workshops and user workshops.

the goals

Understand the problems users may face while using Protolyst and any knowledge management tools.

Investigate how users think and feel about Protolyst during the onboarding process.

Develop the platform’s design system and the interaction.

The process

To explore how new users interact with Protolyst and how to design better user interfaces to a knowledge management tool to reach defined goals more effectively.
The project adopted a User-centered design approach to develop the appropriate user interface design and interaction for Protolyst users.

Desk research

Literature review (frameworks, guidelines, etc)
Competitor analysis
Internal design evaluation

Expert workshop

To gather in-depth knowledge and insights

collaborative User Workshops and Interviews

To understand users' needs, behaviours, and preferences to inform the final design

The Desk research

Competitor analysis
Internal design evaluation

Data collection and analysis

User Workshops, Thematic analysis, Customer Journey Mapping

The Design solutions

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